Birth is a powerful transcendental process, to rise above what we are accustomed to, reach deeper inside of ourselves than we are familiar with, and to see not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth. Where a woman steps into something so primal and wise that she transforms her understanding of what is possible. The memories of this process and how she felt during birth, well-cared, sheltered, empowered, are with her throughout her life.
During all the centuries there have been experienced women in birth, who accompanied the labouring women, nowadays in addition to the professional care givers. We meet each other in pregnancy, and I will prepare you according to your personal life history, your expectations and needs by an individually and tailored coaching. I also accompany you during birth, and will stay at your side, giving massage, caring, empowering, breathing together, be there all for you – and also for your partner.
This very intense and personal care reduces significantly clinical interventions, anestesia and c-sections, which has been proven in inumerous clinical studies.
Nowadays women know what they want, and they are not only used to assume the responsibility for her life, her career and her family, but also want to give birth to their child with the same intention – self-assured and powerful.
As they can do it.

I am offering birth coaching and support for mothers and couples with:
Spontaneous birth, at the location of your choice – home birth, birth center, hospital
VBAC / VBA2C – vaginal birth after 1 or 2 cesarian
Planned c-section
Breach birth
IVF / ICSI pregnancy
High sensitivity
LGBTQ – couples
Mother with abuse and/or other traumatic experiences
The Integrative Birth Coaching®, created in 2015, works on several levels, according to the needs and necessities of the pregnant client, in the fields of:
Movement, Massage & Art
Breath & Voice
Relaxation & visualising techniques (Hypnobirthing)
Meditation – Mindfulness
Talks –expectation of birth, options & birth plan
NEW: Prenatal bonding & communication techniques/ Mother baby bonding analyses, Raffai & Hidas

Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 4, D - 70437 Stuttgart
Tel: 0711 -5 28 5. 11 73
Mobil: 0176 -49 44 89 59